Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sarah Palin (And Her Daughter) Can Suck My Balls

David Letterman finally apologized to Sarah Palin for saying her daughter got knocked up by some wife beating basketball player. Guess what? Nobody should want or need any form of acceptance from Sarah Palin. The fact that investors in the Late Show (Embassay Suites) were considering pulling their commercials from the show is absolutely absurd and childish. What's even more absurd and childish is some people calling for Letterman to actually be FIRED. What.the.fuck is wrong with these people?

Everything is wrong with these people. These people are the people who fuck up this entire country. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing should have come of this joke. Sarah Palin demands an apology? So the fuck what? Who the hell is she even? Nobody deserves any sort of apology for anything. You are going to run for vice president, pimp out your pregnant daughter, then expect to not have jokes said about you? Where the hell have you even been?

Try getting back in the spotlight for a valid reason, instead of continuously looking to seek out D list celebrity wanna-be ways to get your name out there.

What people really need to think about is why the fuck there are so many people who called for Letterman to be fired. They claimed it was disrespectful to Sarah Palin and her family. SO WHAT. Thats life you fucking half wit. Nobody owes or deserves anything. Disrespect is part of the game, especially when you're a politician.

Imagine the same joke with a different name, maybe Paris Hilton, or Lindsay Lohan. Would anyone then be calling for the firing of Letterman. Would sponsors really want to pull their adds? Would right wing conservatives demand an apology and say it was an insult to family values. Sarah Palin's daughter is not above a "crude" joke, politicians daughter or not. You are no better than Paris Hilton's sex tape or Lindsday Lohans pussy photos. Just because the media wants to glamorize your pregnancy and pretend like you are mature enough to have a baby, doesn't mean you are any more or less of any knocked up 17 year old across the world.

You wanna talk disrespect, how bout your stance on "family values." Which you claim was so insulted by David Letterman. What's insulting and disrespectul is your said stance support on prohibiting gay marriage and prohibiting the allowance of gay couples to adopt children. Not to mention your stance that sex education shouldn't be taught in schools. Lets face is Palin, your dumbass daughter who cant figure out what condoms are would 1)clearly have benefited learning about condoms in high school and 2) Clearly have been much better off giving up her kid for adoption.

Because listen Palin's, if you expect an apology from the world whenever someone says something a little "off color" about your family, you REALLY have another thing coming. YOU should be apologizing to not only David Letterman, but to the entire country for 1) jeopardizing all democrazy in the United States 2) being a poor excuse of a woman and 3) for being a huge fucking dumbass.


  1. Let's hope this is the end of the David Letterman - Sarah Palin feud. While last week Letterman apologized, it was in a snarky sort of way, and wasn't accepted by Palin...
    Exclusive Video here:david letterman sarah palin joke

  2. There is no feud. There is only Sarah Palin being a self righetous little girl.
