Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Only Thing Gloomier Than Twilight? ABORTION!!!

The following is in response to the doctor who was murdered for giving abortions:

It seems like our entire country, if not world, has lost all sense of reasoning. Nothing is accomplished or set out in a reasonable way anymore. If we believe what the media tells us, there are only people on extreme ends of everything. The media gives us black and white answers to everything, but where most things fall is a grey area. According to the news, there is no in-between on anything. However, there is. The in-between is where all the logical people fall. The people who still have a sense of reasoning. Which is why 85% of the news is bullshit and illogical.

We're all wondering where everyone else went. What happened to all the smart people? People are so polarized on this issue (and plenty of other issues); either they are applauding this man for killing the doctor, or the ones on the other end are calling for the arrest of every single pro-life advocate in country. Where are the reasonable people? This man [the killer] was fucking sick in the head, and he killed someone. That’s it. You can’t applaud this death just because an ideology was different than yours, and you can’t just assume that every single person who opposes abortion has their hand on a trigger and ready to lay waste to people inside a planned parenthood. (Although I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they were.) Reason has taken a back seat in this country, and it has been replaced by morons with computers who can hide behind their twitter pages. (not that there's anything wrong with twitter pages.)

But really, do you know what the rest of the pro-life world is saying to you? I do, and it’s a resounding “Shut the fuck up. You are doing less for our cause than you realize. Now we, the peaceful protesters, are looked at with contempt and scorn because of you nutjobs.” Now look, I'm not really pro-life in the sense of how most people look at it. I think there's another underlying issue of hatred and ignorance that goes along with this. And the hard-core pro-lifers are to blame. However, that's a little off topic.

If Jesus Christ, who supposedly loved everyone, and who these people are supposedly modeling themselves after, was here, he would be embarrassed to have you as his “disciples”. You are disgusting people who are applauding a man’s death. A death at the hand of an insane person who is being viewed as a hero some people out there. Look in the mirror, you might see similarites to Al Queda...I said it.

And to the folks on the other end of the spectrum: Not all pro-life groups are extremist, if you want to call it that. Most are reasonable people who are disgusted by this act. A lot of pro-life advocates aren’t even considered to be conservative, by most standards.

For many, their only conservative streak is that they don’t like abortion, but then again, neither does anyone else. Nobody LIKES abortion. Nobody wakes up from bed on a bright and shiny morning and says aloud "wow, what a beautfiul day for an abortion." Nobody goes to the bar and says "ill have a vodka and abortion." And for that, isn’t everyone pro-life? Really, no one wants to kill babies. They just support a woman’s right to choose. In an ideal world, there would be no need for abortions. Proper education (a whole other issue) and a few brain cells can go a long way in limiting the number of 16-year-old girls who get knocked up by their 15-year-old boyfriend.

So nutcases, stop murdering to support your causes. It doesn’t matter what it is, or whose rights you think you are supporting. Murdering those who you don’t agree with is only going to make your cause appear to be weaker. It’s also called terrorism, by the way.

Besides, there are better ways to make your point: Have an open dialog, start a peaceful discussion, or start a heated discussion, whatever, but leave it at discussion, learn about each other. There is so much hate in this world, and that has proven to be completely ineffective and has gotten us all nowhere.

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