Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lost Season 6 Wishlist

Lost is the most ridiculously addicting show I've ever experienced. However, it's also the most ridiculously confusing and messed up. We've had 4 seasons of all out questions. One season of some answers and more questions. And now we're heading into the sixth, and final, season of this show. The following are things that absolutely must happen on Lost's next and final season in order to have a decently fulfilling experience. If they don't, I will be fucking pissed and let down. These are in no particular order.

1. The Identities of Adam and Eve revealed: They've only appeared in one episode in season one, but I've always wondered about them. It would a nice nod to continuity.
2. The Whispers explained: Another island mystery that I’d like to see resolved.

3. More cool episode titles: A little silly on my part, but I've liked season five titles. Thinking about, the premier should be titled It Only Ends Once, and the series finale should be titled See You in Another Life. Cmon, that shit is genius.

4. Statue revealed: Who built it? How long has it been there?

5. Kate dies: but only after she finds Claire: Or is otherwise eliminated from the show à la Claire or Michael, pre freighter. Don't care why or how. I just want that character gone. Okay so maybe she can live. But I fucking hate her.

6. Juliet lives: And she and James/Sawyer sail off into the sunset together and live happily ever after.

7. Sun and Jin reunited at last: For obvious reasons.

8. Aaron and Claire (and her mum) reunited: Along with an explanation as to what EXACTLY happened to Claire.

9. NO MORE new characters: Season 6 needs to focus on the original Losties. The only people who arent part of the original Losties they should focus on are Whidmore, Jacob and Richard.

10. Desmond and Penny need a happy ending: I always felt like their love story was the best on this show. The moment when Penny looked over her boat at the end of last season to see Desmond, was seriously breathtaking. Which is something no other lost couple has managed to pull off. (Other than Sun and Jin, who will obviously have a happy ending.)

11. Original losties: Give them extreme relevance again. The reason this season (Season 5) was my least favorite is because it was so ridiculously plot driven. I want character driven episodes focused on our original losties that tie in their importance and history of the island. If they are so special, we better see why. Season 6 has the potential to be amazing. You can’t just say they're special. The only way this is gonna happen for me, is if the original losties are involved with the direct reasoning and endgame for the island.

12. SOME HAPPY ENDINGS! Christ and a half, WHY cant there be a happy ending on this show? Daniel spent his whole life being set up by his mother so she could kill him. Locke wasn’t really special at all and died in that hotel room. Heartbroken, bloody and all alone, Juliet died in that hole. I want Juliet reunited with her sister. Sun/Jin reunited. Des and Penny to be happy with their son. Claire raises Aaron and Kate and Jack maybe have some part in their lives. Whatever. A HAPPY ENDING FOR SOMEONE!

13. Explain EXACTLY what the others were and why they wanted children. I feel like this is a big one that just sort of slipped through the cracks over time. I'd like to see just what was so damn special about Walt. I think he should have some significance in season 6.

14. Bring back all the dead characters that fans actually liked. I don’t mean bring them back to life (well maybe) But it’d be nice to see Boone, Shannon, Eko and Libby again somehow. However, keep the unlikable and unnecessary dead, dead (Ana Lucia).

15. A larger dose of Sun/Jin and Rose/Bernard.

16. We need to see the temple and why its so special. It better be a good reason. We've been hearing about it forever.

17. There's one scene that they've been building towards since the very beginning of the show, and I'm pretty sure it has the potential to be the best scene of the entire series, even though Jack sucks, and that is…Jack meets Christian on the Island. This would be nuts.

18. Real Locke better not be really dead. And if for some reason he is, he better be mourned to an extreme. Locke has been the spiritual backbone of this entire series and for him to just go out the way he did is absurd.

19. Jacob’s supposed cabin. Wtf is it and why does it move?

20. The numbers. Their exact meaning and why they are significant.

21. The smoke monster. Duh. We just need a complete explanation that isn’t ridiculous. Something believable.

22. What exactly is Frank a possible candidate for?

23. No more love triangle. Leave Sawyer alone.

24. Please reunite all the Losties. I don’t want to spend half the season with one group and half the season with the next. Get them all back together quickly.

25. What is the significance of the black rock?

26. If Kate isn’t going to die, then let her at least be alone for a while. Get back to your mission of finding Claire. Find her, then redeem yourself by dying. Follow through with her promise and focus on finding Claire and reuniting her with Aaron. Stop worrying about who you love more and be honorable for a change, Freckles! Also, if she has to wind up with someone, make it Jack. Matching her up with Sawyer would be cruel and insulting to Juliet's memory. She and Sawyer share a criminal past and sense of humor, so let them be friends. But do NOT put them together romantically. I want Kate to be the one to find Claire, not Jack. It's her mission, after all, and an unselfish decision she made all by herself that for once is not about her love life, and not about her. I know she's far from the most popular character but I really want her to carry out and focus on her agenda completely. Hell, any redemption she can get, she should take, she needs it, and she needs to earn it by herself. And I'm curious to see how Claire will be returning.

27. Origins and explanations. Of the island, the Black Rock (how Jacob was able to draw it to the island, how it got so far inland), the statue, Smokey, the whispers, the Numbers, the Frozen Donkey Wheel, the Others, and the ancient civilization that predates the Others.

28. Find some way for the real Locke to have a happy and triumphant ending. No "being-manipulated-and-strangled-while-being-sad-and-lonely" crap. We have been told Locke is special and meant to be a leader for five seasons. Anything less than that would be a cop out.

29. Jack and Claire to meet and acknowledge their relationship as brother and sister.

30. Sayid needs to survive and be an integral player.

31. How are Whidmore and Alvar Hanso connected?

32. I want Ben to die. I feel like his story arc is completely done. His death would really be the only one I’d actually hope for. Not that I don’t like him, but it would just work for me.

33. Whidmore and Richard flashback eps. What exactly is the nature/full story on Widmore and Ellie? Who is Penny's mom (or does it even matter)? Who ordered the purge? Was there more to Widmore's exile than we actually saw? I guess it can be argued that the introduction of Jacob and BSG shows that these questions are no longer important: Ben, Ellie, Widmore, et al are all just pawns. But, seriously, we’ve spent 5 years getting this history. It has to matter, right?

And lastly, I want the “just” and “satisfying” ending the writers have been talking about for years. You said you knew what you were doing all along. And while I don’t necessarily believe you knew everything. I do believe you had a definitive end in mind. So it better be executed fucking brilliantly. I don’t want a completely happy ending, but I REALLY don’t want an all out bleak one either. Bittersweet would be nice. I see characters like Sayid and Ben dying (even though I love them.) I feel like Sayid will make some sacrifice. Cause he really has nothing to live for at this point. Killing him would almost BE his happy ending. Ben will do something similar. Juliet is alive and will live a happy life with Sawyer. Juliet has a daughter and names her Rose. Sawyer will find his daughter and raise her. Juliet will find her sister and they’ll all be a big happy family. Jack and Kate will be together (if she doesn’t die). Claire will be raising Aaron or something. Hurley is happy, Sun and Jin are happy, Miles is happy. Locke is protector of the island or something. Whidmore has a good relationship with Des and Penny. And finally, Rose and Bernard live happily ever after, cancer free, on the island.

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