With today's cancellation of Ugly Betty- some are thrilled, we however, are not. Not because Ugly Betty is a great show, but because there a shit ton of more shows deserving of cancellation. Here's a few.
Chevy Chase is not funny, said it. Joel McHale is only funny on The Soup and the rest of this cast boring as fuck. The only reason we ever gave this show a chance is because it aired on Thursdays night's with Parks and Recreation, The Office and 30 Rock, but alas, Community will never come close to any of these shows we love. Please get cancelled.
Probability of being cancelled: C+. Ratings are decent and we just can't see NBC messing with the only night of television they have going for them.
9. House
We can't stand Hugh Laurie. We think his acting is completely one-note and lackluster and this show is just boring. May not be a popular opinion, but it's a very accurate one.
Probability of it being canceled: F. There is no way this show, which has a solid audience on a weekly basis and critical darling Hugh Laurie, will be cancelled any time soon.

8. Grey's Anatomy
This show is so passed it's prime it's overcooked to the point of rubber, which is unfortunate because it had a great first two seasons and a relatively decent third. But when Addison left and they got rid of Dr Hahn after promising us a Callie/Hahn love story, we just couldn't follow anymore.
Probability of it being cancelled: F. This show still brings in ratings gold, which proves audiences are seriously just as stupid as we had assumed. Grey's will likely end up as an ER- lasting about 15-20 years with entirely new cast at some point.
7. Private Practice
We were once excited about Kate Walsh getting her own show. Three (or four?) seasons in and we can't stand it. But we could never really stomach this cheesy and completely bullshit spinoff of Grey's Anatomy. We'd love to see Kate Walsh every week on our TV's, we just wish it was on a different program.
Probability of it being cancelled: B-. While this show won't be cancelled anytime soon simply because ratings are still decent, we can only hope ABC will come to it's senses and realize this show is just complete bullshit.
6. The Biggest Loser
Lets watch fat people lose weight. Yay! Christ, did anyone kill themselves watching this garbage yet? No? Oh that was just in our minds? Ok. It's no secret we loathe TBL as it's made our shit list in the past. This is quite possible the most indulgent on this list, possible on television. If you don't know what we're talking about, it's probably because you're a fan. Can we please, as a country, get over watching fat people trying to lose weight? Seriously.
Probability of it being cancelled: D-. America loves to watch fat people trying to lose weight, and that's something that's never going to change. Unfortunately, we think TBL is in it for the long haul.
5. Accidentally On Purpose
Jenna Elfman needs to leave TV forever. Plain and simple. Watching her trying to carry a show by herself is worse than watching her previous show Dharma and Greg. It blows our collective mind when shows like this continually get picked up over quality pilots that never make it to air.
Probability of it being cancelled: B. Ratings aren't that great and there has been some talk that Jenna Elfman's cum dump of a show is on the brink of cancellation. One can only hope.
4. One Tree Hill
We admit, we sort of liked this show back when it started. When it was actually about something. Since then, it's just turned into a ridiculously sappy soap opera. Daytime soaps have better acting than the cast of OTH, and that really is saying a lot. Since the CW has some pretty solid shows in Life Unexpected, Gossip Girl and The Vampire Diaries- we're thinking they need to can OTH soon and move on with some quality programming. Keeping shows like OTH are exactly why people will never take your network seriously.
Probability of it being cancelled: B-. Even though we despise this show, we do admit that it's very self-aware. While ratings on most shows decline after a few season, OTH's has only gone up, which seriously fucking blows, because it means we'll be seeing this show for a few more years, with an entirely new cast.
3. Two and a Half Men
Christ the fucking picture makes our blog die a little. It makes our souls die a little. Has there ever been two less likable leads on a TV show than Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer? We honestly can't think of any. Once again, baffling the collective mind all across the country as to why this show is still on the air. It has great ratings, we suppose, but we cant think of one single person who watches it, or ever watched it.
Probability of it being cancelled: F. This show is ratings gold for CBS, like most of the awful programming on their network.
2. The Bachelor
Season after season, desperate men and desperate women continuously act like fools on this dating show. We stopped caring years ago, but America still hasn't gotten on board.
Probability of it being cancelled: D-. Once again, ratings are fine for The Bachelor and people still talk about it. This show has been beating a dead horse for years. We're stuck with it.
1. Heroes
The reason Heroes is number one is because it's first season was seriously genius. We have never ever ever...and we mean EVER seen a show take a turn for the worse quicker and harder than Heroes. What was once a seriously interesting, fun, insightful, daring and unique program about ordinary people discovering weird super-hero like powers, has since become a circus freak-show...literally. (This season's about a circus.) The occasional bump here and there is expected out of any show, even the best have their flaws. But we've given Heroes endless chances to get their act together and they simply never have. They have never lived up to the greatness that was season 1, and they never will.
Probability of it being cancelled: B-. Execs at NBC just said they're continuing with Heroes for at least another season, so here's hoping their ratings totally tank more than they have this season. Part of the reason this show won't go away is because it has such a heavy DVR/online following, which really blows our fucking minds seeing as it totally sucks and nobody watches it when it airs.
I don't watch any of these anymore (the only ones I ever watched were Heroes and OTH). So I am glad none of my favorites were put on this list because I know our entertainment tastes don't always match.