1. The Grammy Awards
If you don't like music, you are wasting your life. There's no better way to enjoy music through television than watching the Grammy awards. Rumor is Lady Gaga is opening with Elton John. It's the only award show the nominees actually get to showcase their talent with live performances. Grammy awards are key.
2. Caprica
While it's not nearly as good as Battlestar Galactica, it will suffice for now. It basically has everything BSG had- all of life's deepest questions mixed in with sci fi elements. Not to mention it's basically a prequel to Battlestar. We wont go so far as to say even non sci fi lovers will enjoy it like Battlestar, but since Lost is coming to an end soon and BSG is done, it's nice to have a show to fill it's void.

3. Ke$ha
We hated this chick at first when we thought SHE thought she was actually talented. But we've come to realize she is completely self aware and doesn't try to pretend to be anything other than what she is. It's respectable when a female artist says things like "don't be a little bitch with your chit chat, just show me where your dicks at." Even though she's basically a poor-man's Lady Gaga, we listened to this CD and love it.
4. The Song Is You by Arthur Philips
Think Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind+You've Got Mail divided by Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist and you have The Song is You. While this book isn't great, it's certainly good and clever enough to make our hit list. The story of a middle aged divorcee who lost his child at just three months old, finds meaning in life again when he meets a young up and coming singer.
5. James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
You're never too old to go back and enjoy one of the best classic children's books ever. We just read this last week and enjoyed it more as adults than we did as kids.
6. Hope for Haiti CD
One of the best compilation CD's we've ever heard. You'd be a fool to pass up live performances of Madonna's Like A Prayer, Justin Timberlakes cover of Hallelujah and Jennifer Hudson's cover of Let It Be, just to name a few. Not to mention 100% of profits go towards Haiti.
7. Repo Men Trailer
We aren't even really sure what this is about, we just know it looks really fun. We're glad Forest Whittaker and Jude Law are making movies.
Shit List
1. Human Target
This is Fox's latest attempt at giving us a good scripted show. Apparently it's a hit, but only because it follows American Idol. It's about a guy who literally acts a shield for his clients. He protects his clients and get into faux James Bond type situations that aren't nearly as fun, or as good. While the cast is relatively decent, we wish we were watching them a different program.
2. When In Rome
We had the trailers on our shit list last week, this week the actual movie indeed, sucks a tit. Kristen Bell decides to star in this cum-dump of a romantic comedy, literally. It's about this dumb chick who has a bunch of men fawning over her for no apparent reason. Once again Kristen Bell, we loved you on V Mars, but this is just complete bullshit. We may be over you soon. This is your first strike, so next time we see you, it better be in something worth watching.

3. Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes
Holy christ somebody get this guy off our TV. We don't care how old you are. The fact that you are pushing 117 and still on TV is just disgusting. Your topics of choice each week are painful and completely mind numbing. You literally spend 5 minutes talking about rubber bands and bananas. Please don't tell us it's about respect either. The last thing anybody wants to hear is that you deserve respect just because you are old. What's respectful is knowing when your time is up and bowing out gracefully. Not to mention you interfere with our precious Amazing Race and Big Brother time on Sunday nights. Please retire.
4. Edge of Darkness
Mel Gibson thinks he's making a comeback with this cliche and over-the-top film about a guy getting revenge on his daughter's killer while in the meantime finding out said daughter's secret life. Guess what Mel. This indulgent nonsense has been done a million times. Give us something creative and unique. Not garbage like Edge of Bullshit.
5. Burn Notice
We've never really understood why people like this show. The fact that anyone believes the lead on here is a straight guy who likes women is just absurd to us. Don't get us wrong, we're all for gay people playing straight roles, but at least let them be believable. On top of it, this show is just unoriginal, stupid and boring.
6. The Cast of Jersey Shore
We need showers just posting this on here. We get it, this show is entertaining. We have no problem watching this. Our problem is with this ridiculously unaware and pretentious cast. It's people like the cast of Jersey Shore that are the absolute downfall of celebrity in our culture. Causing a stir on airplanes and in clubs, demanding more money for their second second. What a fucking joke. The Situation and Snooke=the new Heidi and Spencer. Please get over yourselves quickly Jersey Shore cast. We've already moved on.
Haha now THIS is the kind of shit list I'm used to from you. 3 of your shits are things I say good things about. I'm glad things are back to normal.