Thursday, August 27, 2009

Top 15 Must-Answer Lost Mysteries

I was debating whether or not to put this up at a closer date to next season. With my excessive Big Brother blogging it seems a little out of place. However I figure I can always post it again once January rolls around. I sent out a massive email to all my my followers (the ones who watch Lost, at least) and told them to send me their top 5 unanswered Lost questions which they absolutely NEED answers to. Here's the list:

15: What are The Whispers?
We kick off with that creepy murmur that usually precedes the appearance of The Others. Why the ethereal gossiping? How do they do it? Maybe season 6 will tell us the answer — in a loud, clear voice. 

Probability of it being answered: B+ (It's kind of important, but it wouldn't really change anything if it wasn't answered. In fact, many Lost fans forgot about them completely.)

14: What's Libby's backstory?
When this Tailie was killed by Michael at the end of season 2, she left behind several unanswered questions. Why did she end up in Hurley's mental institution? Was it merely coincidence that she was the one who gave Desmond his sailboat? 

Probability of it being answered: D- (As much as fans want resolution, alas, the producers have said that actress Cynthia Watros is unlikely to return to the show. Plus, for as many fans who want an answer, there are just as many who really don't care about Libby)

13: What's the complete Dharma backstory?
We still haven't met the big wigs who ran the secretive utopian science enclave from afar in Ann Arbor, Michigan. And where in the world is its mysterious Danish financial backer, Alvar Hanso? And why did Pierre Chang use alternative names in the Dharma orientation films? And another thing...

Probability of it being answered: A- (Without knowing the full backstory of Dharma, we can't really fully appreciate the full history of the island. This is something that will need to be answered in Season 6. However, fans fear the writers may have already felt justified in their explanation of Dharma in season 5.)

12: Where did The Others come from?
They speak Latin, hang out in Egyptian temples, like to dress up in the clothes of the Island visitors...that they kidnap and kill! They have been called The Island's ''indigenous'' people but who are they really?

Probability of it being answered: C- (We've had enough of the Other's already. Fans highly doubt any more time and emphasis will placed on them at this point. It's one of those mysteries that may or may not have been resolved. Some people could tell you everything about the other's, while other's just can't. We'll likely be left with a mostly vague answer.)

11: Do all the castaways have a secret connection?
The first season suggested that the castaways — complete strangers to each other prior to Oceanic 815's crash — are at the very least linked by common acquaintances or experiences. But do they share a more cosmic connection? 

Probability of it being answered: B+ (Perhaps: the season 5 finale revealed that many of them had previously met — and were conspicuously touched by — Jacob. More on him in a minute.)

10: Who are Adam and Eve?
Early in season 1, Jack found a pair of male and female skeletons, dubbed ''Adam and Eve,'' near a spring of water. Fans immediately wondered if they belong to characters we know, and indeed, the producers have said that the bones are connected to season 5's time-travel story line. So: Who are they?

Probability of it being answered: A- (This is one of the only questions that has a definitive answer to it. Give us 2 characters who can be Adam and Eve, and there you have it. The producers having said that the bones are connected to time travel, we'll likely get an answer. Personally, I'd love it if they were Rose and Bernard, not Jack and Kate.)

9. What's the significance of The Numbers?
4 8 15 16 23 42. Together, they add up to 108, another recurring digit in Lost. Hurley played them to win the lottery, and the Dharma dudes used them as computer code. 

Probability of it being answered: A- (An explanation for The Numbers was provided via ''The Lost Experience,'' a 2006 online ARG (just Google the words ''Valenzetti Equation''), it's an equation that predicts the end of the world, but that explanation has never been referenced on the show itself. Which is totally lame.)

8: Why are there Egyptian ruins on The Island?
At least, we presume they are Egyptian ruins. The hieroglyphics on the Temple are Egyptian, while the Four Toed Statue was recently revealed to be that of the Egyptian deity Taweret, linked to fertility, death, and evil.

Probability of it being answered: A- (Some fans speculate that the same exit point in Tunisia can also be used as an entrance point. Perhaps the Egyptians found the island through Tunisia back in the day and did whatever they did here. This will likely be answered as it holds major history of the island.)

7. Where are stewardess Cindy and the kids? 
Little Zack and his sister Emma were among The Tailies and were abducted by the Others shortly after the crash of Oceanic 815. Stewardess Cindy was taken a couple weeks later. In the third season, we learned they are living happily among the Others. But why did the Others want them in the first place? 

Probability of this being answered: C+ (Having not heard their names or any mention of anything having to do with them since season 3, I think its the writer's way of telling us to forget about them.)

6. What is the Island, anyway?
When fans ask this question, what they usually want is an explanation for the Island's seemingly supernatural properties. Why is there an anomaly surrounding it that kills people or zaps them back in time? How did it heal Locke's legs? How can it be home to ghosts? How did it heal Rose's cancer? How was it used to cure Juliet's sister?

Probability of it being answered: B+ (While there may be answers for some of these specific concerns, the producers have already warned fans that resolving the big question ''What is the Island?'' may be impossible.)

5: What happened to Claire? 
Aaron's Aussie mommy survived a rocket attack on her cabin — or did she? She seemed fine, but soon after, she disappeared into the jungle with her father, Christian Shephard (also Jack's dad), who may or may not be a ghost. She's been MIA ever since.

Probability of it being answered: A (Emilie De Ravin is going to be a series regular in the final season. They can't not answer this.)

4: What was up with Walt?
Our top four ''Lost Must-Answer Mysteries'' were the only ones to receive more than 5% of the total vote — an indication, I think, that one fan's mystery is another fan's ''Who cares?'' Anyway, Walt. Maybe psychic. Seemingly capable of astral projection. Ben told Michael that his son proved to be ''more than we bargained for'' after they took him from the raft. What didthat mean?

Probability of it being answered: B- (Yes, Walt was special, but really, he just doesn't seem like THAT big a deal. However, fans would like to know what was up with his psychic abilities, animals being drawn to him. and all that stuff. Plus he told Locke when he saw him in the wheelchair that he saw him on the island surrounded by people who wanted him dead. But what he really saw was BSG IN Lockes body. So how the hell did he know/see that?)

3: What is The Monster?
This is just a no brainer, fans want this answered. The end.

Probability of it being answered: A (They will definitely answer this question. Whether or not it will satisfy everyone is another mystery.)

2: Who is Jacob?
This was Top-10 material even before the season 5 finale, when Jacob was still a phantom. But after ''The Incident,'' when it was revealed that Jacob (Mark Pellegrino) was a youthful looking fortysomething, partial to fish, free will, and Flannery O'Connor, he rocketed up the charts. But he still came nowhere close to Number 1....

Probability of it being answered: A (Jacob was essential to the season 5 finale, and we've been hearing about him since as early as Season 2. He touched all our Losties at some point in their lives, which is strange and telling. We will absolutely get an answer to this one.)

1: Why doesn't Richard Alpert age?
This result (10.8% of the vote) surprised me: I thought for sure the Monster, the Island, or the Numbers would be up here. The phrasing of the mystery is pretty much exactly how everyone articulated it. Still, I interpret the question to mean that we want answers for the whole Alpert enigma. What's his role on the Island? How did he meet Jacob? And more importantly: Eyeliner or what?

Probability of it being answered: A (Finding out why Richard doesn't age will ultimately tell us much more about the island.)

Any other questions you want answered that didn't make the list?

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