Thursday, October 8, 2009

Paranormal Activity

Rarely do I find myself affected by a horror film. It is hard to really feel moved by something designed to scare you. As of late, it seems more and more filmmakers are looking to make you squirm from graphic violence, or cheer with an over-the-top kill rather than truly give goosebumps. I’m talking an honest to goodness level of fear. So it was truly a surprise to sit in a darkened theatre, hoping to be terrified and being richly rewarded with a slow chill moving down my spine and a constant jitter the entire film. The movie that managed to pull this one off is PARANORMAL ACTIVITY. But it wasn’t a series of gruesome images, or even a masked killer ready to pounce on his or her victim, it was sometimes merely a door opening by itself. There is a slow burn that starts quietly, and as each night passes for a young couple, the darkness seems a little more nightmarish.

This is a ghost story in the simplest of terms. A young couple, Katie and Micah (Katie Featherston and Micah Sloat) seem to be having some problems with their new house. They claim to hear noises and a few other things that go bump in the night. But we also find that Katie has a history of the supernatural in her past. She tells of creepy stories about being eight years old and terrorized by the sound of heavy breathing or a dark shadow standing next to her bed. When these new ghostly goings on begin to happen to her as an adult, she wants to simply ignore them. But boyfriend Micah is a extremely fascinated by the whole idea. He decides to set up cameras inside their home and film everything that is going on. This includes one in the bedroom meant to record what happens while they sleep. It is true that sometimes are blind to true terror. I once heard Peter Benchley (the author of “Jaws”) say that if you ever took a helicopter ride over the ocean and could see everything inside clearly, you’d never go in the ocean again. You may have the same reaction if you knew what was going on around you while you‘re sleeping… at least if you were in this movie. 

if your taste is for horror that has a cool opening kill and another one every ten minutes or so, you may want to wait until video if you have to see everything. So be aware that Paranormal is methodical in its thrills and has absolutely no gore. What does it have you may ask? A chill inducing, sense of dread that will scare the hell out of you if you allow it. I guarantee this will be one of the creepiest damn movies ever when you watch it in the (dis)comfort of a movie theater. 

What I loved about Paranormal is how director Oren Peli builds his ghostly tale. In the beginning, it feels a bit like watching an episode of “Ghost Hunters”. He slowly pieces together the story and does a fine job of creating just the right amount of tension. At first, there is a slightly whimsical feel as the couple deal with a possible guest. Each nighttime sleep sequence gets more terrifying as the film goes on, culminating in the worst night of the film. But wait? There is something sinister here. Once the young couple retire for the evening and darkness falls, there is an absolutely disturbing sound design as it drones and hums when the ghostly visitor makes his presence known. That is when the chills came and it is also what helped make this a most haunting experience. I don't really like the comparisons to BLAIR WITCH. The only real similarity is the use of the camera. Everything else is a total 180. the film seems to have more in common with the classic THE HAUNTING. The use of sound effects, and the few limited visual effects are all genuinely scary. You may not be jumping out of your seat in horror, but after watching Paranormal Activities, you might be inclined to sleep with the lights on for a week...or four. 

When I first left the film, a B+ seemed fitting, but a week after seeing it I am still affected by it. I still think about that bedroom. It's literally been haunting my thoughts and affecting my sleep. And any movie that can do that for the right reasons deserves an A-. 

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