Sunday, July 19, 2009

First Eviction

Will and Marvin are nominated for eviction. I asked viewers to vote, and the result is (almost 125 of you voted)..

68 percent vote to evict Marvin.
32 percent vote to evict Will.

However the viewers only count for one vote. So lets see how the houseguests voted. 

Sheila- Will
Jen- Will
Allison- Marvin
Kaysar- Will
James- Will
Jase- Marvin
Monica- Marvin
Dan- Will
Dick- Will
Karen- Will
Renny- Will
Janelle- Will
Marcellas- Will
Nicole- Will
Eric- Marvin
Jun- Marvin
Danielle- Marvin

So the votes are
Will- 11
Marvin- 7

So that means Will is going home. I think most of the houseguests were just fed up with his lack of caring. Also the fact that he seriously doesn't need the money. 

The new HOH is...James!

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